Unfortunately my girl Janelle got booted out in the final eviction. Funny how that's the same time she got booted last year. I think the final HOH was rigged so that she wouldn't win. I think the producers knew that it would make better TV if the final 2 were Scrubika and Goobie. They didn't want America's Choice, the winner of
9 competitions this season, to make it to the final. I think they need to have their asses examined because their heads are shoved up there. The final 2 was by far the most disgusting final 2 I've seen. Scrubika and Goobie?! Seriously....it was bad.
And talk about bad....how bad was it when Chenbot played the footage of Goobie calling Scrubika a ho at the finale? Geez....her family was there. I felt sorry for her when that happened. But then the moment of temporary insanity stopped.

My parents left Tuesday morning for my sister's wedding in Sicily. Yep, my sister decided that she was going to get married in Sicily but couldn't help any of us out with the expense so my parents are the only ones that went. Oh well....I'm sure we'll have some kind of fancy schmancy dinner for them when they get back.
I do send them my well wishes and congratulations though. It's about time those two kids got married. I'm sure I'll have a picture or 20 to post when they get back.
(Still wish I was there seeing the Sicilian beauty in person but I'll look at some pictures when they get home.)

Keep your fingers crossed that shithead, I mean shit for brains, oops disgusting coworker...well you get the point...will no longer be employed here. I heard through the grapevine that he will be given his walking papers with his next evaluation in a month. Woohoo!!!!
I do think that I will be calling in sick that day though because I'm a little worried about his mental state. He was seen looking at pictures and descriptions of guns on Wikipedia today. After the shooting in Canada and the news that that crazy had blogged on vampirefreaks.com about the angel of death and what not I'm a little worried about Mr. Black. There are just too many similarities there to not be worried.
I wonder how much $ I would get if it was just a flesh wound. Hmmm......

I leave you with today Tannerism. The boyfriend is a HUGE Auburn (bleh....just typing that word gave me the willies) fan. And I am a HUGE Alabama fan (ROLL TIDE BABY!!!!). I've threatened to throw away all of his precious (disgutsting) orange and blue stuff but out of the kindness of my heart I haven't. I'm stuck now...I can't ever do it. He went and...are you ready for this?....are you sitting down?......bought little man and I Bama shirts. Yep...walked in Bama Fever side of the store and purchased those shirts all on his own. Say it with me people....whupped. : )
*For some reason Blogger won't let me add my pics to this. Stupid Blogger!*
>edited Friday September 15th to say....*Took some teaking but I finally got my pictures on here. Had to do it the old Html way but it worked. Blogger needs to fix their picture uploads. Do you hear me Blogger?! Fix the damn thing!*
Yeah, I was having problems with uploading pics too. MAN!
ah yes...the things you do for the ones you love... See how you've changed me? hehehe....now...with that said.. WAR EAGLE! :D
Love you!!!!
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